The 2018 NCCA business meeting was held at the site of the NC Closed Tournament on Nov.18th at 9AM. 

Board officers present were the following:

President:                       Kevin Hyde

Vice-President:             Debs Pedigo

Secretary/Treasurer:  Wayne Spon

Approximately 20 current NCCA Members were present.

  1. Financial Report
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business
  4. Election of the Board


  1. The financial report was reviewed by Wayne Spon. The 2018 net assets were $22,297.36 as of Nov. 16, 2018. The scholarship and trophy expense liabilities that were carried over from last year have been resolved.  In addition, all of the scholarship awards and other expenses for this year have been paid.  Consequently, the NCCA treasury has no outstanding debts.  A more detailed report is provided under Documents in the Admin Section of the NCCA website.


  1. The NCCA sponsored 4 players to the USCF Open Invitational Tournaments and provided a partial travel stipend to each player.

          Denker: Emmanuel Carter – 4

          Barber:  Naveen Prabhu – 3.5

          Nat’l Girls: Arya Kumar – 4.5

          Senior: John Smithwick – 3

  1. New Business
  2. The board has been updating and amending the Bylaws for the past 6 months because there are several items that are no longer relevant and clarification was necessary. A grievance section has been added and Wilder Wadford has agreed to review and recommend any further changes.
  3. NCCA Membership will be increasing to $10 on Jan.1, 2019. The dues membership is currently the only revenue for the association which pays for the website and operating expenditures. The income from the scholastics tournament is a moot point because it pays for awards and travel.
  4. The 2019 NC K-12 Scholastics Tournament will be held at the Charlotte Convention Center from March 29-31.

To date, the Girl’s tmt, NC Closed and Sr. tmt. has not been determined.  Mike Tedder proposed a collegiate tmt in the spring and the motion was carried. 

  1. Peter Giannatos proposed that the annual coach’s recognition award at the scholastics tmt be named for the late Jeff Jones. The motion was accepted.
  2. Election of the Board

Nomination Slate:

President: Debs Pedigo

Vice President: Walter High

Scholastics Vice President: Grant Oen

Secretary/Treasurer: Wayne Spon

No other nominations were offered from the floor.  Upon a voice vote from the floor and proxy votes, the board was accepted unanimously.

 Meeting adjourn.


The 2017 NCCA business meeting was held at the site of the NC Closed Tournament on Nov.19th at 9AM.  Board officers present were the following:

 Vice-President:           Debs Pedigo

Past Vice – President:  Jeff Jones

Secretary/Treasurer:  Wayne Spon

Scholastic Vice President: Venkat  Shanmugadivel

Approximately 15 current NCCA Members were present. 


  1. Board Changes
  2. Financial Report
  3. Membership
  4. 2018 Tournaments


  1. Due to health reasons, Jeff Jones recently stepped down as the vice president. Debs Pedigo has volunteered to takes his place.  Jeff is a valuable asset for NCCA and he will be available for consultation.

Sara Walsh resigned her position as Secretary/Treasurer earlier this year and Wayne Spon volunteered to take over that position. 

  1. The Financial Report as reviewed by Wayne Spon. The 2017 Net Assets as of Nov.19, 2017 is $21,619.39.   The 2016 Net Assets were $27,031.16 as of Nov.4, 2016.  Major expenditures were the 2016 NC Closed, 2014-2016 Scholarship  Awards and operating expenses.  The 2017 Scholastic Tmt and the Girl’s Tmt netted approximately $689.  However, that figure takes into account the trophy expense that is still owed to Thad Rogers; approximately $3,200. 

In the past, Scholarship Awards were held in the NCCA back acct till the student graduated from high school.  At the scholastic tmt, the board discussed and decided not to not carry this liability over the long term because contact   information may change over the years.  Consequently, the Secretary/Treasurer has been depositing present and past awards into college funds set up by their parents.   As a result of paying off past scholarships, NCCA  liabilities has decreased.

A more detailed report will be provided in the resource section on the website. 

  1. Membership

Membership in the NCCA is at an all time low.  The dues are only $8.00/yr before the 31st of Jan and $10 thereafter.  The NCCA Secretary/Treasurer is  promoting a membership drive for 2018 at major tmts and collecting e-mails to remind members to renew.  The 2018 NC Closed and Sr. tmts will require NCCA memberships.  The board is also working on improving the website to keep it up to date and restoring missing information.  The NCCA website is the main source for chess in NC and membership dues help support the website. 

  1. 2018 Tournaments

Peter Giannotos will be conducting the 2018 NC  K-12 State Scholastic Tmt  in Charlotte, during the wkend of Feb.23-25 at the Hilton Charlotte University Place.  The Girl’s tmt has not been finalized.

Mike Tedder proposed the NC Collegiate Chess Championship to be held on April 7, 2018 at the Wake Tech Community College.  The proposal was accepted.

Cha Cha Nugroho will be conducting the NC Blitz and Quick Championship Tmt at the Triangle Chess Center in Morrisville, NC on May 19, 2018.

Walter High will be hosting the At Least Twenty One (A.L.T.O.) in Burlington on May 5-6.